Artificial intelligence based security
Artificial Intelligence based security has been implemented throughout the software inorder to avoid any financial breach. The software keep informed school director/owner for any finacial tampering by employee.
Activity Performance based on privilege
Each user will be given a unique login and can perform activities based on the privileges assigned by the admin. Admin can limit the privileges for any authorised user.
ERP In True Sense
It minimise effort of adding data into software while enabling you to host database on different server for examination, library and attendance.
Custom Student Remarks
Remarks let you provide comments for each of the student on the basis of performance in different subjects or some common remarks on individual student for day to day either negative or positive activities.
Send Attendance SMS directly through device
SMS Can be sent directly while making attendance using biometrics or RFID enable attendance machine. There is no need to download data and then send the sms. The data auto downloaded to your computer. Hence making attendance easier.
Online Fees Payment easier
Parents can pay online fees easier with multiple payment option like Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, UPI with powerful Onine fees reporting with re-verification of payment directly from gateway payment provider.