Sending Mobile SMS to Student's Parents

More than 95% of the parents, staff, students carry mobile phone every where. This means that communication between school, parents and staff can be improved by using SMS mechanism. Circulars can be delivered to teaching staff, non teaching staff and parents in less than a minute.
The SMS approach saves time and money for both parents and the management.
- Schools can send Fee receipt messages to the parents as soon as fee is paid by them or by their children.
- Schools can send Birthday wishes to the children's parents on the day of their birthdays.
- Exams schedule and changes can be communicated to parents instantly.
- Schools can send the schools achievements, awards, recognitions details to parents.
- Schools can send parent teacher meeting schedule SMS and reminders.
- It’s easy to send season’s greetings messages using SMS and Email
- Schools can send notifications and alerts to school staff regularly.
- Schools can send Trustees meeting notification messages using school SMS software.
- Schools activity alert messages can be sent using school SMS software.
- School Day and Trip notification messages can be sent using school SMS software that helps school and parents to both drop and pickup children on schedule times.
- Monthly Tests and Yearly term results can be announced from our SMS Software.
- Schools opening day, mess opening day, messages can be sent from the SMS software.
- Send Event Notifications, Class Cancellations, Alert parent of ill children, alert SMS on delayed school buses etc., can be sent from school SMS software.
- schools inform parents easily about children being absent.
- Schools, childcare or daycare centres can communicate with parents quickly via bulk SMS in the case of an emergency.
- Universities / Colleges can send reminders of important dates such as holidays and exam sessions.
- Child care centres easily inform parents of important health information such as chickenpox outbreaks and head lice in the centre.
- Schools inform parents quickly of injuries or illness and advise parents or guardians of students requiring early collection.
- Homework information - Group SMS messages, - New / Events information
- School Entry/Leaving Report on parents mobile: A message of students entry in school will be automatically delivered on parents mobile as soon as the students shows the cards before the Attendance-Device at entry gate of your school. Similarly you can send students departure time to parents mobile when student leaves school. Incase attendance devices is not there, absent attendance notification sms can be sent.
Note: The SMS tariff will be applicable depending either on the mobile provider or bulk SMS provider as per your choice.